Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Curiosity Shop

Would you like to hear a story?

One day, there were three girls, four if you count the one month old sweet baby girl in the back seat, who wanted to go for a drive. It was one of thos days, when you hate all men, and absolutly nothing seems to be going your way. Basically, it was a Man-Hating day (ladies, you know you've been there). We had very little money, maybe $20 or so, but we had a car, an iPod, and an already full tank of gas. So what to do? We got in the car, and drove. Where were we going? No idea. What were we doing? Singing and driving. In the country. Talking about how we hated men. We laughed, we cried, we may have gotten a little cranky, but hey, what did you expect?

As we were driving in the country, we passed a sign. What did it say?

A sign for Curiosity Shop. Well, what exactly WAS a curiosity shop? We decided it would be best if we turned around and went back to see what exactly, this place was.
We had stumbled upon an antique shop. Run by an older manand wife. The older gentlemen directed us back, opened the door, and we stepped into what we like to refer to as a Narnian Door.

A door to many untold wonders. Jewelry, couches, books, tea pots, elephant table stands. Who's treasures beguiled us and drew us was lovely. The man left us alone for a while, and this to amazed us. In a world so crazy, so complicated, so ful of people who might be cruel, he trusted us. Perhaps is the was the baby that made hs trust us...perhaps he knew that we were not the stealing type. He evtualy came in a talked about the shop.

Twenty years they had been running this shop. It was mainly his wife's shop, he very loveingly supported her. He didn't see the use for the "junk" but his wife loved it, so he supported her...I pray to God that we can all find love like that.

We poked around, and eventualy left this little treasure. We talked all the way home about the amazing place that is known as the Curiosity Shop. Will we go there again? Sadly, the man and his wife were moving soon...and the shop would be closed...however, for one day, in that time and place, we stumbled upon something amazing and wonderful, and so worth turning around to explore.

You see, the best things in life don't happen when you plan them. It's when you just go that you find something amazing. I took from this a life lesson that I will hold with me all of my days.

Beautiful things can be found...when you stop looking for them.

Here are a few of the treasures that we found.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

GodArt, Coming Soon

There's an artist I know, and he's amazing. He creates things in a way that I will never be able to. He does things that I will never be able to do. He has more imagination and spark and love for what He does than I will ever have in one day. I've never seen anything like it before in my life...

He created mountains, so clear that you can see them for miles and miles and miles. And when it rains, you can see where teh ain stops and where it starts.

He gave us the ability ro create life, precious Amazing life. Tangible life, a baby that can be help in our hands. Never, in all my life, have a seen anything more beautiful than a woman giving birth. Never have I seen something more beautiful, than a child coming to this world, to add to it, to create something new and lovely that no other person could create.

He created the Sea. The powerful Ocean, that has tides, that flows, that lives, breathes and moves and does things that we still don't know about. The colors under the water are so bright and so vivid and flowing all the's amazing to see. Amazing to know that He took the time to create all this...all this for us...

"When I consider your Heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?" Psalm 8:3&4

Coming Soon from Maddie, A new Blog, dedicated to GodArt.